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Part 2. ELECTRIC-BIKES: How and where should park your e-bike?

. (сontinuation)

3. Balcony or loggia

a) Electric bike does not take up much space in the apartment. It does not violate the interior space and does not catch the eye.
b) Theft risk is not.

a) If the balcony is cold and not warmed, there is a possibility of strong super cooling batteries, deformation and rapid wear bicycle tires.
b) It not very convenient to permanently carry an electric bike from the balcony to the front door and back. When you is moving a bicycle through all the rooms after a trip on the street, you bring garbage. It is an occasion for more frequent cleaning your flat.

4. Basement

a) Comfortable and reliable method of storing if the basement of course has a good lock and you have such basement
b) Electric bike does not take space apartments

a) You can forget about the presence your e-bike and you will rarely use it
b) There is a risk of robbery your basement; even if doors have robust locks
c) In the cold season in the premises electric bike can placed only after the batteries are disconnected

5. Garage

a) Practical from the standpoint that the bike does not have to lift to the apartment by elevator, let alone on the stairs.

a) A garage may be away from home, because if you will need to use an electric bike, you will every time spend some time out to get to it
b) You will need to equip a certain place for e-bike that it does not corrupted, for example, during vehicle entry
c) Storage of electric bicycles provides compliance with certain temperature conditions, so it is important that the temperature inside the garage fit the recommended boundary.


a) You may leave the bike near the point of destination (near work, at place of rest and food, while shopping, etc.) and to walk you need
b) You may leave the bicycle near the public transport stops (near the railway stations, subway stations, bus stops, etc.) and continue to move where you want

a) To leave the electric bike in the street without supervision is not recommend due to theft, damage or disassemble into parts
b) Places stops don’t have a specially equipment of parking of e-bikes
c) Automobile parking does not always take the bikes for storing
d) Protected paid parking may be far from the point where a cyclist is moving

The proposed design of bicycle lift, made by technology «Sloth mechanical», allows you to conveniently to park and to store your e-bike in the home and on the street. This will implement quickly, easily, and bicycle's safety will be guaranteed from possible risks. About this technology  read more in our posts.


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